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microphone    Northern Pass

Chichester Selectmen 3/1/11:
Officials from Northern Pass gave a presentation to Chichester selectmen at their regular meeting. Due to the setup of the meeting room and format of the presentation, it was impossible to place the microphone close to any particular speaker. What follows is the raw audio of the meeting (portions of less than 1 minute are missing due to occassional equipment repositioning.

The meeting was conducted by the selectboard chairman and about 50 people were in attendance. The following officials for Northern Pass were part of the presentation:
Kathleen Brocket, Communications Specialist for the Northern Pass Project
Brian Bosse, Project Engineer
Sue Blothenberg of PSNH

Northern Pass officials gave their presentation which was followed by a question and answer period with the audience. Some of the topics covered was the tax impact on the towns, what type of energy is being produced, proposed routes, permitting process and eminent domain.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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